Everybody has their tale of woe
In mine, you played a huge part
You lied, you made a fool ass of me
You also tortured me
Looking back, I gather you took
Chunks of satisfaction in seeing your soi-disant friend hurt.
You were mean, I dare say you had evil in you
But don’t we all?
I was hurt, muddled by the way you lied
And you lied
Lied with the ease of someone who’s lazing around.
But never you mind nonetheless, your lies were fragile
There were lies in bulk, so you failed to keep track of them all.
I was hurt, especially when I found out
I was hurt when I revisited those memories
I was so hurt that I cried…
A skill I thought I had lost long ago.
It doesn’t do to reminisce about it anymore
Recollecting is fodder for more pain and negativity
Especially when you are the remembrance
Now I’m going to move on
What with one thing and another,
That is the only thing left for me to do
And by doing so, I deeply hope you fall into an oblivion pit
And that’s how I intend to obviate the need of you
And that’s how I mean to rise above.
* Rammon Freitas é graduando em Letras com Inglês pela UEFS.